F.Cuevas/Univision Online La baleada es uno de los platos típicos de Honduras. |
Cocina y Gastronomía |
- 1½ tazas de frijoles colorados cocidos o de lata, lavados y escurridos
- 3 cucharadas de cebolla picada en trocitos
- 1 diente de ajo, picado en trocitos
- 1/4 de cucharadita de comino molido
- 1 taza de caldo de pollo
- 1 zanahoria, rallada
- 1 chile jalapeño encurtido, picado en trocitos
- 2 o 3 cucharadas de vinagre blanco
- 1/2 cucharadita de azúcar
- Sal
- 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida
- 8 tortillas de harina de trigo
- 1/2 taza de mantequilla
- Ensalada: 2 tazas de repollo (col, cabbage) picado en tiras
Para el relleno: Pon los frijoles colorados, la cebolla, el ajo, el comino y el caldo a fuego alto en una sartén antiadherente mediana. Deja que rompa a hervir, baja el fuego a mediano y deja hervir durante 5 minutos, o hasta que todo el caldo se haya absorvido. Sazona con sal y pimienta. Quita del fuego y deja enfriar de 2 a 3 minutos. Aplasta los frijoles con la parte de atrás de una cuchara.
Para la ensalada: Pon el repollo, la zanahoria, el chile, 2 cucharadas de vinagre, el azúcar, la sal y la pimienta en un recipiente grande. Mezcla bien. Prueba y sazona con más vinagre y sal, si así lo deseas.
Para las baleadas: Pon las tortillas a calentar a fuego alto en un comal (plancha para calentar tortillas) o en una sartén antiadherente pequeña durante 15 segundos por cada lado, o hasta que estén suaves y flexibles. Extiende las tortillas sobre una superficie de trabajo y pon a cada una 3 cucharadas de mezcla de frijoles ya preparada. Enrolla las tortillas y sujeta los rollos con palillos, de ser necesario. Coloca las baleadas en platos individuales o un platón grande y adereza con la mantequilla y la ensalada.
And for our English-speakers, something a absolutely essential for an introduction to Honduran food, tortillas hondreñas :D
The sun doesn't rise in Honduras if tortillas aren't served for breakfast.
Not to worry. You will see tortillas served three times a day, and always,
always freshly made.
Making tortillas isn't that difficult if you are willing to take a couple of
▪ Buy a corn masa harina mix, such as Maseca. You can find it in
Mexican grocery stores or some larger super-markets in the Latina section of
town. Don't confuse this with corn meal which is a totally different
[Masa harina is merely ground corn that has been prepared by soaking the
corn in lime-water. The corn is then dried and ground. The lime creates a
chemical reaction in the corn, creating more complete protein thru
additional amino acids. The ancient Mayans created the same effect by
soaking the corn in a lye-water, water that had been dripped through wood
ashes. This water makes the whole kernel - minus the husk - edible without
grinding it. How did they know to do that? Is this the law of unintended
consequences at play?]
Where were we?
▪ Buy a torilla press in any Latin American food store. If stuck, buy
one online. They can be as fancy or simple as you would like. We like the
smaller tortillas - 6" inch press. We paid 2/3rd's of what they cost online
by shopping the local Mexican store. Buy some spices and practice your
Spanish while you are there.
Recipe - Feeds 2. Increase amounts for larger groups
▪ 1 cup of masa mix
▪ 1/2-3/4 cup of water
▪ Mix for 2 minutes or until you have a solid ball. [Add only a little
at a time until the right consistency occurs. This is critical}.
▪ Divide into 8 pieces. [Moisten a kitchen towel and keep it over the
dough during the entire time].
▪ Place one piece of the dough on your tortilla press between pieces of
wax paper. Press firmly and peel the tortilla off the press. [I have
repeated tried to make tortillas by hand. Despite watching this process
very carefully throughout Central America, my handmade tortillas are a
disaster. It is not going to happen in this lifetime. I have too many
Teutonic genes in me].
▪ Toss the tortillas onto an ungreased iron griddle, turning just as
they begin to burn.
Keep tortillas warmed under a kitchen towel while others are cooking.
Thank you, for that recipe.
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